Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why be a Conformer when you can be a Transformer

To conform is to fit in; to transform is to break out. To conform is to accept the situation, the status quo; to transform is to refuse the situation, to challenge the status quo.

The truth is, we are called to transform, not to conform. When God told Adam and Eve to 'Be fruitful and multiply' He was essentially saying, "change completely from what you are, to what I have ordained you to be". He was saying, "your present situation is not what I have envisioned for you." "Be" means become, or exist as. It's not an adaptation; it's a metamorphosis.

If you are to maximise your gift and become progressively productive in any field of calling, you must have a transformer mentality, not a conformer mentality. You can not bring any change in your community or organisation when you have a conformist attitude. Apostle Paul advises: "be not conformed...but be transformed" (Romans 12:2) Blessings!

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