Saturday, April 16, 2011


Triumphing Over Adverse Conditions

A crisis is an event, or a circumstance, or a situation that impacts and influences your life, over which you have no control, or you are not the cause of, or responsible for.

There are different kinds of crises – financial, family, business, personal, health, etc. Whatever crisis you encounter, you can overcome. In other words, you can succeed in dealing with that problem, or difficulty, or misfortune and effectively change your circumstances for the better. The challenge really is in knowing how to overcome those conditions and live victoriously after.

Adversity is Unavoidable
It is imperative for one to recognise that adversity is part and parcel of life. Everywhere you look there are challenging situations - pain, loss, suffering, stress, and other difficulties. Some mistakenly think that by virtue of being Christians they are somewhat exempt from adversity. King David observed that “many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 39:19).

Jesus never promised anyone a trouble-free life. He told His disciples, “ this world you will have trouble...” (John 16:33). So, regardless of one’s consecration adversity may hit you. One’s faith in God doesn’t necessarily exempt you from adverse situations; it rather positions you for continual triumph.

Now, if adversity is unavoidable, then we must know how to deal with it when we encounter them. King Solomon reveals that, "if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small" (Proverbs 24:10). In other words, if you give in to discouragement and despair in the day of adversity (time of trial, or temptation or crisis), then your strength is small. So your ability to withstand adversity and overcome is directly linked to the measure of strength you posses.

Ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus once said: “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” I couldn't agree with him more.

In this presentation, my intention is to deliver into your hands tools you can use to surmount your present challenges and bring to pass your desired change. So, please come with me and let’s take a look in the toolbox and learn how we can effectively apply these power tools.

I will put each power tool under The Overcoming Adversity Series heading. I hope you find the information helpful. Watch out for the next post in the series on The Power of Choice. May God strengthen you to live victoriously. Every blessing...

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